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Nancy-Violet Downs is an interdisciplinary fine artist, her practice spanning textile sculpture, drawing, performance and video. Her work explores feminist ecologies, communities of care and contemporary spiritualities. Nancy’s interests centre community, reconnection and re-enchantment as a force for social change.

My practice explores connection with the land and each other as a means of resistance. I believe that in (re)connecting with a part of ourself (individually and collectively), an essence that has been suppressed by capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism, we can begin to heal and move forward. Throughout my practice, I aim to create a space to (re)connect with playfulness and intuition through collaboration and use of materials close to the earth, for example, imbuing fabric with natural dye from organic waste in a ritual embedded in my textiles works.

My current research surrounds the role of ritual in political protest, how collectively speaking something can be seen as a form of spell casting, and coming together as a means of resistance to oppressive structures. Recent projects include VVV Residency (2024), an online residency with Vegapunk and VisualContainer (Italy). During this residency, each collaborator created an individual video work through a process of digital foraging for found footage. You can read about this on my publications page.


Nancy Violet-Downs (b. 1999, Hackney) lives and works in London. Recent projects, shows and residencies include: facilitator of contemporary art: reading and discussion group, VVV residency with Vegapunk and VisualContainer, The Open and Adapt at Turner Contemporary Margate, Talking Trees (project and publication). She was awarded a British Arts Council fellowship at the 2022 Venice Biennale, and studied on exchange at Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea 2023.

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